Here are a few leaflets we have created for patient information (click on the link to access the leaflet)
Contraceptive Choices
Diabetes and Foot Care (DOC, 39KB)
Type 2 Diabetes (DOCX, 35KB)
Pre-Diabetes (Impaired Glucose Tolerence) (DOC, 58KB)
Gluten Free Products (DOC, 133KB)
Low Cholesterol Diet (DOC, 27KB)
Dietary advice for low Vitamin B12 and Iron (DOCX, 16KB)
Vitamin B12 and Iron Deficiency (DOCX, 22KB)
Vitamin D Information (DOCX, 52KB)
Hair Loss (DOC, 48KB)
Healthy Diet (DOC, 36KB)
How to Lose Weight (DOC, 66KB)
Migraine Advice (DOC, 41KB)
Information Regarding Medication Changes (DOC, 166KB)
Pelvic Floor Exercises (DOC, 117KB)
Simple Back Exercises (DOCX, 19KB)
Simple Neck Exercises (DOCX, 17KB)
Simple Shoulder Exercises (DOCX, 70KB)
Travel Advice (DOC, 89KB)
Headache diary needed for referral (DOCX, 17KB)